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Getting started

Installation & setup

You can install the package using Composer:

composer require hosttech/laravel-slack-block-kit-builder

You can use the facade

use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;

$builder = SlackBlockKitBuilder::make();

to create a builder instance.

Adding blocks

These three methods can be used to add blocks:

// sets all blocks at once, no existing blocks will remain:
// list multiple blocks here

// pushes one block to the end of the structure
// use one block here

// to insert at the beginning
// use one block here

Conditionally adding blocks

Since the builder uses Laravels Conditionable trait, you can use when(), unless() and so on:

$randomInt = random_int(0, 1);

->when($randomInt === 0, fn (BlockKitBuilder $builder) => $builder->pushBlock())
->unless($randomInt === 0, fn (BlockKitBuilder $builder) => $builder->prependBlock());

Sending a Block Kit based slack message

We recommend to use spatie/laravel-slack-alerts. Build the payload using our Builder, send it using the package made by Spatie:

use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\HeaderBlock;
use Spatie\SlackAlerts\Facades\SlackAlert;

$builder = SlackBlockKitBuilder::make();


Also check out the well written documentation of spatie/laravel-slack-alerts.