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Composing messages

We're going to build some of the examples in the Slack Block Kit reference here in PHP.

For every example here, you first need a Builder instance: See Getting started / Setup.

We use ->pushBlock() in the code examples but you can also use the other methods mentiod @ Getting started.

Adding a header

Adding a header is simple:

use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\HeaderBlock;

->pushBlock(HeaderBlock::make('A Heartfelt Header'));

You can only configure the text of the header. May also contain emojis like :rotating_light:.

Adding a divider

Adding a divider is simple, too:

use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\DividerBlock;


It cannot be configured.

Adding context

This is how you can add a context block:

use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\ContextBlock;
use Hosttech\SlacKBlockKitBuilder\Elements\ContextElement;

ContextElement::make('My way of life :balloon:'),

As you can see, you can add context elements via ->elements([...]).

Only instances of ContextElement are allowed to be passed inside ->elements([...]).