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Using rich text formatting

Let's compose a rich text message:

First, we create a builder instance and add a rich text block with a simple text:

use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\RichTextBlock;
use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Elements\RichTextItemTextElement;

RichTextItemTextElement::make('My simple text goes here!')

The message will look like this:

Preview of simple Slack block kit based message

Using bold & italic

You can simply call methods on instances of RichTextItemTextElement:

$textElement = RichTextItemTextElement::make('My simple text goes here!')

The text will be displayed in bold and italic.

Creating lists

Lists are not that complex. Let's have a look at how we can create unordered and ordered lists.


use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Facades\SlackBlockKitBuilder;
use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Blocks\RichTextBlock;
use Hosttech\SlackBlockKitBuilder\Elements\RichTextItemTextElement;

RichTextItemTextElement::make('My simple text goes here!')

As you can see, we've basically wrapped RichTextListElement::make()->elements([...]) around our existing RichTextSectionElement from above.


Inside a list, every section element will be a new list item.

You can then use text elements to style the text in the list item differently (e.g. partially bold).

This will create an unordered list by default.

Ordered lists

To use ordered list, just call a method on the RichTextListElement instance:

$listElement = RichTextListElement::make()

Adjusting indent / border / offset

By default, the list will not be indented, have no border and offset will also be set to 0.

You can adjust these values by calling methods in the RichTextListElement instance:

$listElement = RichTextListElement::make()
->indent(1) // list items will be indented one level
->border(2) // border will have 2px width
->offset(8); // list items will be offset by 8px